You come to me from some place far away
My heart trembles, how can I express my feeling?
You stole my heart from the start
And give me an incurable sickness
I want to become a flowerpot. I pray always
I’ll become a flowerpot that sits on your small windowsills
Though I can’t speak or want anything at all
I’ll be able to see you smile and feel your touch once a while
And I’ll be the one gazing at your face as you sleep
You leave me for some place far away
How can I stop my tears from falling?
Because...Yes,You had my heart from the start
uwahh..sweet..i nak jadi the claypot boley??hehehhee
nice one!!
@ mish
boley.i mkn u.ahakss
@ erza
one je ke? two la.ahakss
salam ziarah malam sis lemah nie..takde semangat
selmat malam bulan..nice follower
apsal sume pompuan je yg komen
ak keliru..haha
nice poem!
@citarasa rinduan
selamat petang sis.ahakss
@ Al.
asal ko nk keliru plak.komen je la.ahakss
@ keli oh keli
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